Concept of Nafs in the Alquran
Nafs, al-qalb, ar-ruh, al-'aqlAbstract
Psychology is a science that studies human experiences, such as feelings, five senses, thoughts, and will. Islamic psychology studies convey problems regarding human psychology, inner intricacies, and ruhual solutions that refer to Islamic normative law. The Quran commentary on human physique includes insane, ins, nas, or some basyar, and sons of Adam or Adam's descendants. Meanwhile, mental or psychological studies are broader, starting from nafs, ar-ruh, al-qalb, and al-'aql. This research aims to explain the concept nafs or human qalb, ruh, al-qalb, 'aql, and its relationship in the Alquran. This research uses a qualitative method with a content analysis approach, all data is taken from various sources originating from psychology books, religious psychology books, the Alquran, theories, and expert opinions. All data that has been collected is then analyzed thematically, in other words, the themes that have been obtained are described comprehensively and in-depth. To make it more interesting, all themes from the results of this research will be discussed with the results of studies by previous researchers and qalb issues in the Alquran. This research gets results that concepts and relationships nafs (qalb) with ruh, qalb, and aql in the structure of human personality which becomes the ruhual substance in human formation. Nafs is an element formed from the entry of the qalb into the human body. Because it has elements of the hereafter and the worldly, then the qalb tends to do good and bad by using the aql. Therefore, man must guide his qalb with a clear qalb. The implications of this research are to provide reading material that helps readers understand it.
Afandi, M. (2018). Al-Qur’an dan Psikologi. Medina-Te: Jurnal Studi Islam, 14(1), 71-85.
Alif, M. A. (2020). Konsep Jiwa Dalam Islam dan Pengaruhnya Dalam Kepribadian Serta Prilaku Manusia. Al Qalam, 8(1).
Anderson, R. (2007). Thematic content analysis (TCA). Descriptive presentation of qualitative data
Aziz, J. A. (2019). Potensi Manusia Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Psikologi Behaviorisme dan Humanisme Serta Implikasinya Dalam Pendidikan. Qiro'ah: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 9(2), 1-13.
Baghoori, D., Roduta Roberts, M., & Chen, S. P. (2022). Mental health, coping strategies, and social support among international students at a Canadian university. Journal of American college health, 1-12.
Baharuddin, E. B., & Ismail, Z. B. (2015). 7 Domains of ruhual intelligence from Islamic perspective. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 211, 568-577.
Busroli, A. (2019). Pendidikan akhlak Ibnu Miskawaih dan Imam al-Ghazali dan relevansinya dengan pendidikan karakter di Indonesia. AT-Tarbiyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 10(2), 71-94.
Chandak, K. M. (2023). Global Contributions of Ancient Indian Knowledge System In The Field Of Psychology. Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 1214-1226.
Chiles, T. H., Crawford, B., & Elias, S. R. (2021). Aql , body, and qalb: A ruhual perspective on the entrepreneurial imagination. Organization Theory, 2(2), 26317877211005786.
Chiu, T. K. (2022). Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(sup1), S14-S30.
Cholik, A. A. (2015). Relasi Akal dan Hati menurut al-Ghazali. Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam, 13(2), 287-310.
De Castro, E. V. (2019). Exchanging perspectives: the transformation of objects into subjects in Amerindian ontologies. Common knowledge, 25(1-3), 21-42.
Dickson, W. R. (2022). Sufism and shari ‘a: contextualizing contemporary sufi expressions. Religions, 13(5), 449.
Downe‐Wamboldt, B. (1992). Content analysis: method, applications, and issues. Health care for women international, 13(3), 313-321.
Doyle, L., McCabe, C., Keogh, B., Brady, A., & McCann, M. (2020). An overview of the qualitative descriptive design within nursing research. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(5), 443–455.
Engkizar, E., Kaputra, S., Mutathahirin, M., Syafril, S., Arifin, Z., & Kamaluddin, M. (2022). Model Pencegahan Konflik Antarumat Beragama Berbasis Kegiatan Masyarakat. Harmoni, 21(1), 110-129.
Engkizar, E., Munawir, K., Kaputra, S., Arifin, Z., Syafril, S., Anwar, F., & Mutathahirin, M. (2021). Building of Family-based Islamic Character for Children in Tablighi Jamaat Community. Ta'dib, 24(2), 116-126.
Faridah, S. (2016). Metodologi dalam kajian psikologi islam. Jurnal Studia Insania, 4(1), 69-78.
Febriani, A., Rosdi, A., Ottilapoyil, S., Mayesta, M., & Zulfikri, Z. (2022). Model of Parents’ and Teachers’ Cooperation in Developing Learners’ Religious Character. International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education, 1(2), 133-147.
Fitri, H. (2020). Urgensi Psikologi Pendidikan Islami dalam Pengajaran. Ihya al-Arabiyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, 6(1), 140-150.
Gerrard, J. (2019). The economy of smiles: affect, labour and the contemporary deserving poor. The British Journal of Sociology, 70(2), 424-441.
Ghofur, A. (2020). Tasawuf Al-Ghazali: Landasan Psikologi Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal Islam Nusantara, 2(1), 1-16.
Guthrie, J., Petty, R., Yongvanich, K., & Ricceri, F. (2004). Using content analysis as a research method to inquire into intellectual capital reporting. Journal of intellectual capital, 5(2), 282-293.
Hafizallah, Y., & Husin, S. (2019). Psikologi Islam: Sejarah, Tokoh, dan Masa Depan. Psychosophia: Journal of Psychology, Religion, and Humanity, 1(1), 1-19.
Hairina, Y., & Mubarak, M. (2020). Penerapan Psikologi Islam dalam Praktik Profesi Psikolog Muslim. Jurnal Psikologi Islam Dan Budaya, 3(1), 47-60.
He, X., Gu, J., Hao, Y., Zheng, M., Wang, L., Yu, J., & Qin, X. (2022). Continuous manufacture of stretchable and integratable thermoelectric nanofiber yarn for human body energy harvesting and self-powered motion detection. Chemical Engineering Journal, 450, 137937.
Hidayatullah, S. (2023). Perspektif Ayat-Ayat Al-Qur’an Tentang Psikologi Pendidikan. ANWARUL, 3(3), 564-577.
Hsieh, H. F., & Shannon, S. E. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative health research, 15(9), 1277-1288.
Imanbayeva, Z. (2020). The teaching of Кalam in the history of Islamic philosophy. Вестник КазНУ, Серия Религиоведение, 24(4), 13-18.
Jamaludin, A. (2020). Konsep Zikir (studi analisis al-Quran). Geneologi PAI: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 7(1), 29-32.
Kaputra, S., Engkizar, E., Akyuni, Q., Rahawarin, Y., & Safarudin, R. (2021). Dampak Pendidikan Orang Tua Terhadap Kebiasaan Religius Anak Dalam Keluarga Jama’ah Tabligh. Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 12(2), 249-268.
Karim, A., Bakhtiar, A., Sahrodi, J., & Chang, P. H. (2022). Ruhual leadership behaviors in religious workplace: the case of pesantren. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1-29.
Kasmar, I. F., Amnda, V., Mutathahirin, M., Maulida, A., Sari, W. W., Putra, S., & Engkizar, E. (2019). The Concepts of Mudarris, Mu’allim, Murabbi, Mursyid, Muaddib in Islamic Education. Khalifa Journal of Islamic Education, 3(2), 107-125.
Komariah, N., & Nihayah, I. (2023). Improving the personality character of students through learning Islamic religious education. At-Tadzkir: Islamic Education Journal, 2(1), 65-77.
Kunaefi, Y. A. (2023). Educators and Students in Islamic Education Perspective. Scientia, 2(1), 460-465.
Lubis, R. (2020). Konsep Jiwa Dalam Al-Qur’an. NIZHAMIYAH, 10(2).
Mansir, F. (2018). Pendekatan psikologi dalam kajian pendidikan islam. Psikis: Jurnal Psikologi Islami, 4(1), 61-73.
Muhammad, D. H., & Desari, A. E. (2023). Early Child Education Based on Islamic Psychology. International Journal of Islamic Thought and Humanities, 2(1), 12-20.
Ng, G. W., & Leung, W. C. (2020). Strong artificial intelligence and consciousness. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, 7(01), 63-72.
Nurhuda, A. (2023). Sufism Values in Pancasila as the Nation's Ideology. ATHENA: Journal of Social, Culture and Society, 1(3), 102-107.
Parkinson, B. (2021). Qalb to qalb: A relation-alignment approach to emotion’s social effects. Emotion Review, 13(2), 78-89.
Putra, D. A., Farida, U., Sartika, D., Kasdi, A., & Handayani, S. (2023). Quranic Mental Health amidst pandemic: a cultural-hermeneutic reading to the Salawat community in Indonesia. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 26(1), 1-15.
Rahmana, S. (2023). Humans in the Perspective of the Qur'an Islamic Education Study. GIC Proceeding, 1, 444-453.
Rahmatiah, S. (2015). Konsep Manusia Menurut Islam. Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam, 2(1).
Roslan, M. M., & Zainuri, A. O. (2023). Teori Hifz Al-Nafs Dalam Maqasid Syariah: Analisis Pendalilan: The Theory of Hifz Al-Nafs In Maqasid Syariah: Argumentation Analysis. Journal of Muwafaqat, 6(1), 1-13.
Sahbana, M. D. R. (2022). Hakikat Sumber Daya (Fitrah, Akal, Qalb, dan Nafs) Manusia dalam Pendidikan Islam. Journal of Counseling Education and Society, 3(2), 1-6.
Sari, M., & Marhaban, M. (2023). The Self Purification Through Dhikr in the Perspective of Imam Al-Ghazali. Tasfiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 7(2), 339-359.
Sudirman, S. (2020). Menguak Psikologi Islam Melalui Pendekatan Sejarah. Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian KeIslaman, 8(2), 274-284.
Van, V. H. (2020). From the belief of the immortality of the qalb, the blessing or the harassing of the qalb towards people to the worship of the qalbs of Vietnamese people. Asian Social Science, 16(3), 1.
Vinkesteijn, R. (2022). Qalb, Mixture and Galen’s Timaeus. In Philosophical Perspectives on Galen of Pergamum: Four Case-Studies on Human Nature and the Relation between Body and Qalb (pp. 159-229). Brill.
Winkelman, M. J. (2021). The evolved psychology of psychedelic set and setting: Inferences regarding the roles of shamanism and entheogenic ecopsychology. Frontiers in pharmacology, 12, 619890.
Yudiani, E. (2013). Dinamika Jiwa Dalam Perspektif Psikologi Islam. Jurnal Ilmu Agama: Mengkaji Doktrin, Pemikiran, dan Fenomena Agama, 14(1), 45-60.
Zhabayeva, S. S. (2022). The Kazakh Concept of Qalb in Abai Kunanbaev’s Book of Words. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, 16(2), 7-24.
Afandi, M. (2018). Al-Qur’an dan Psikologi. Medina-Te: Jurnal Studi Islam, 14(1), 71-85.
Alif, M. A. (2020). Konsep Jiwa Dalam Islam dan Pengaruhnya Dalam Kepribadian Serta Prilaku Manusia. Al Qalam, 8(1).
Anderson, R. (2007). Thematic content analysis (TCA). Descriptive presentation of qualitative data
Aziz, J. A. (2019). Potensi Manusia Perspektif Al-Qur’an dan Psikologi Behaviorisme dan Humanisme Serta Implikasinya Dalam Pendidikan. Qiro'ah: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 9(2), 1-13.
Baghoori, D., Roduta Roberts, M., & Chen, S. P. (2022). Mental health, coping strategies, and social support among international students at a Canadian university. Journal of American college health, 1-12.
Baharuddin, E. B., & Ismail, Z. B. (2015). 7 Domains of ruhual intelligence from Islamic perspective. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 211, 568-577.
Busroli, A. (2019). Pendidikan akhlak Ibnu Miskawaih dan Imam al-Ghazali dan relevansinya dengan pendidikan karakter di Indonesia. AT-Tarbiyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 10(2), 71-94.
Chandak, K. M. (2023). Global Contributions of Ancient Indian Knowledge System In The Field Of Psychology. Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 1214-1226.
Chiles, T. H., Crawford, B., & Elias, S. R. (2021). Aql , body, and qalb: A ruhual perspective on the entrepreneurial imagination. Organization Theory, 2(2), 26317877211005786.
Chiu, T. K. (2022). Applying the self-determination theory (SDT) to explain student engagement in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54(sup1), S14-S30.
Cholik, A. A. (2015). Relasi Akal dan Hati menurut al-Ghazali. Kalimah: Jurnal Studi Agama dan Pemikiran Islam, 13(2), 287-310.
De Castro, E. V. (2019). Exchanging perspectives: the transformation of objects into subjects in Amerindian ontologies. Common knowledge, 25(1-3), 21-42.
Dickson, W. R. (2022). Sufism and shari ‘a: contextualizing contemporary sufi expressions. Religions, 13(5), 449.
Downe‐Wamboldt, B. (1992). Content analysis: method, applications, and issues. Health care for women international, 13(3), 313-321.
Doyle, L., McCabe, C., Keogh, B., Brady, A., & McCann, M. (2020). An overview of the qualitative descriptive design within nursing research. Journal of Research in Nursing, 25(5), 443–455.
Engkizar, E., Kaputra, S., Mutathahirin, M., Syafril, S., Arifin, Z., & Kamaluddin, M. (2022). Model Pencegahan Konflik Antarumat Beragama Berbasis Kegiatan Masyarakat. Harmoni, 21(1), 110-129.
Engkizar, E., Munawir, K., Kaputra, S., Arifin, Z., Syafril, S., Anwar, F., & Mutathahirin, M. (2021). Building of Family-based Islamic Character for Children in Tablighi Jamaat Community. Ta'dib, 24(2), 116-126.
Faridah, S. (2016). Metodologi dalam kajian psikologi islam. Jurnal Studia Insania, 4(1), 69-78.
Febriani, A., Rosdi, A., Ottilapoyil, S., Mayesta, M., & Zulfikri, Z. (2022). Model of Parents’ and Teachers’ Cooperation in Developing Learners’ Religious Character. International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education, 1(2), 133-147.
Fitri, H. (2020). Urgensi Psikologi Pendidikan Islami dalam Pengajaran. Ihya al-Arabiyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab, 6(1), 140-150.
Gerrard, J. (2019). The economy of smiles: affect, labour and the contemporary deserving poor. The British Journal of Sociology, 70(2), 424-441.
Ghofur, A. (2020). Tasawuf Al-Ghazali: Landasan Psikologi Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal Islam Nusantara, 2(1), 1-16.
Guthrie, J., Petty, R., Yongvanich, K., & Ricceri, F. (2004). Using content analysis as a research method to inquire into intellectual capital reporting. Journal of intellectual capital, 5(2), 282-293.
Hafizallah, Y., & Husin, S. (2019). Psikologi Islam: Sejarah, Tokoh, dan Masa Depan. Psychosophia: Journal of Psychology, Religion, and Humanity, 1(1), 1-19.
Hairina, Y., & Mubarak, M. (2020). Penerapan Psikologi Islam dalam Praktik Profesi Psikolog Muslim. Jurnal Psikologi Islam Dan Budaya, 3(1), 47-60.
He, X., Gu, J., Hao, Y., Zheng, M., Wang, L., Yu, J., & Qin, X. (2022). Continuous manufacture of stretchable and integratable thermoelectric nanofiber yarn for human body energy harvesting and self-powered motion detection. Chemical Engineering Journal, 450, 137937.
Hidayatullah, S. (2023). Perspektif Ayat-Ayat Al-Qur’an Tentang Psikologi Pendidikan. ANWARUL, 3(3), 564-577.
Hsieh, H. F., & Shannon, S. E. (2005). Three approaches to qualitative content analysis. Qualitative health research, 15(9), 1277-1288.
Imanbayeva, Z. (2020). The teaching of Кalam in the history of Islamic philosophy. Вестник КазНУ, Серия Религиоведение, 24(4), 13-18.
Jamaludin, A. (2020). Konsep Zikir (studi analisis al-Quran). Geneologi PAI: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, 7(1), 29-32.
Kaputra, S., Engkizar, E., Akyuni, Q., Rahawarin, Y., & Safarudin, R. (2021). Dampak Pendidikan Orang Tua Terhadap Kebiasaan Religius Anak Dalam Keluarga Jama’ah Tabligh. Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 12(2), 249-268.
Karim, A., Bakhtiar, A., Sahrodi, J., & Chang, P. H. (2022). Ruhual leadership behaviors in religious workplace: the case of pesantren. International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1-29.
Kasmar, I. F., Amnda, V., Mutathahirin, M., Maulida, A., Sari, W. W., Putra, S., & Engkizar, E. (2019). The Concepts of Mudarris, Mu’allim, Murabbi, Mursyid, Muaddib in Islamic Education. Khalifa Journal of Islamic Education, 3(2), 107-125.
Komariah, N., & Nihayah, I. (2023). Improving the personality character of students through learning Islamic religious education. At-Tadzkir: Islamic Education Journal, 2(1), 65-77.
Kunaefi, Y. A. (2023). Educators and Students in Islamic Education Perspective. Scientia, 2(1), 460-465.
Lubis, R. (2020). Konsep Jiwa Dalam Al-Qur’an. NIZHAMIYAH, 10(2).
Mansir, F. (2018). Pendekatan psikologi dalam kajian pendidikan islam. Psikis: Jurnal Psikologi Islami, 4(1), 61-73.
Muhammad, D. H., & Desari, A. E. (2023). Early Child Education Based on Islamic Psychology. International Journal of Islamic Thought and Humanities, 2(1), 12-20.
Ng, G. W., & Leung, W. C. (2020). Strong artificial intelligence and consciousness. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness, 7(01), 63-72.
Nurhuda, A. (2023). Sufism Values in Pancasila as the Nation's Ideology. ATHENA: Journal of Social, Culture and Society, 1(3), 102-107.
Parkinson, B. (2021). Qalb to qalb: A relation-alignment approach to emotion’s social effects. Emotion Review, 13(2), 78-89.
Putra, D. A., Farida, U., Sartika, D., Kasdi, A., & Handayani, S. (2023). Quranic Mental Health amidst pandemic: a cultural-hermeneutic reading to the Salawat community in Indonesia. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 26(1), 1-15.
Rahmana, S. (2023). Humans in the Perspective of the Qur'an Islamic Education Study. GIC Proceeding, 1, 444-453.
Rahmatiah, S. (2015). Konsep Manusia Menurut Islam. Al-Irsyad Al-Nafs: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Penyuluhan Islam, 2(1).
Roslan, M. M., & Zainuri, A. O. (2023). Teori Hifz Al-Nafs Dalam Maqasid Syariah: Analisis Pendalilan: The Theory of Hifz Al-Nafs In Maqasid Syariah: Argumentation Analysis. Journal of Muwafaqat, 6(1), 1-13.
Sahbana, M. D. R. (2022). Hakikat Sumber Daya (Fitrah, Akal, Qalb, dan Nafs) Manusia dalam Pendidikan Islam. Journal of Counseling Education and Society, 3(2), 1-6.
Sari, M., & Marhaban, M. (2023). The Self Purification Through Dhikr in the Perspective of Imam Al-Ghazali. Tasfiyah: Jurnal Pemikiran Islam, 7(2), 339-359.
Sudirman, S. (2020). Menguak Psikologi Islam Melalui Pendekatan Sejarah. Tafáqquh: Jurnal Penelitian Dan Kajian KeIslaman, 8(2), 274-284.
Van, V. H. (2020). From the belief of the immortality of the qalb, the blessing or the harassing of the qalb towards people to the worship of the qalbs of Vietnamese people. Asian Social Science, 16(3), 1.
Vinkesteijn, R. (2022). Qalb, Mixture and Galen’s Timaeus. In Philosophical Perspectives on Galen of Pergamum: Four Case-Studies on Human Nature and the Relation between Body and Qalb (pp. 159-229). Brill.
Winkelman, M. J. (2021). The evolved psychology of psychedelic set and setting: Inferences regarding the roles of shamanism and entheogenic ecopsychology. Frontiers in pharmacology, 12, 619890.
Yudiani, E. (2013). Dinamika Jiwa Dalam Perspektif Psikologi Islam. Jurnal Ilmu Agama: Mengkaji Doktrin, Pemikiran, dan Fenomena Agama, 14(1), 45-60.
Zhabayeva, S. S. (2022). The Kazakh Concept of Qalb in Abai Kunanbaev’s Book of Words. Asiatic: IIUM Journal of English Language and Literature, 16(2), 7-24.
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