Interpersonal Communication in the Character Building of Students in Islamic Boarding Schools
Interpersonal communication, character, students, cultural approachAbstract
Islamic boarding schools are Islamic institutions that help and develop students from a religious perspective which includes character formation. One of the success factors in forming the character of students in Islamic boarding schools is the role of a teacher. A teacher must be able to communicate well with students by prioritizing student discipline and politeness. One of the communications carried out in developing students is interpersonal communication. This research aims to find out how teachers' interpersonal communication approaches and strategies shape the character of Islamic boarding school students in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study type. Data sources were taken from ten informants through direct interviews using a set of interview protocols. The informants consisted of teachers at Islamic boarding schools and students. All interview data obtained was analyzed thematically using the Milles & Hubberman Interactive Analysis Model technique. Research findings found three identification approaches and two interpersonal communication strategies used by teachers in forming students' characters. The three identification approaches are the cultural approach, the sociological approach, and the psychological approach. The two strategies used by the teacher are punishment and catalyst strategies. This research has revealed teachers' interpersonal communication approaches and strategies in shaping the character of Islamic boarding school students in Indonesia. Apart from that, the results of this research can be used as a reference for anyone who wants to manage an educational institution in the form of an Islamic boarding school.
Alfarikh, R. F., Saleh, F. A., Hartati, S., Susilo, M., Puspita, E., Hartini, Y., & Ramadhani, H. (2021). Implementation Religious Character Values for Students Through School Extracurricular Programs. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA), 4(3), 111-123.
Amala, A. K., & Kaltsum, H. U. (2021). Peran Guru sebagai Pelaksana Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Menanamkan Kedisiplinan Bagi Peserta Didik di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal basicedu, 5(6), 5213-5220.
Arkorful, V., & Abaidoo, N. (2015). The role of e-learning, advantages and disadvantages of its adoption in higher education. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 12(1).
Bartlett, L., & Vavrus, F. (2016). Rethinking case study research: A comparative approach. Routledge.
Bassani-Sternberg, M., Bräunlein, E., Klar, R., Engleitner, T., Sinitcyn, P., Audehm, S., & Krackhardt, A. M. (2016). Direct identification of clinically relevant neoepitopes presented on native human melanoma tissue by mass spectrometry. Nature Communications, 7(1).
Delviany, V., Risnawati, R., Rizqa, M., Sabrina, R., & Satrial, A. (2024). The Relationship between Disciplinary Behavior and Religious Habits on the Religious Character of Students in High School. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA), 7(1), 44-55.
Dimbleby, R., & Burton, G. (2020). More than words: An introduction to communication.
Engerer, C., Berberat, P. O., Dinkel, A., Rudolph, B., Sattel, H., & Wuensch, A. (2019). Specific feedback makes medical students better communicators. BMC Medical Education, 19, 1–8.
Engkizar, E., Alfurqan, A., Murniyetti, M., & Muliati, I. (2018). Behavior and Factors Causing Plagiarism Among Undergraduate Students in Accomplishing the Coursework on Religion Education Subject. Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education, 1(1), 98–112.
Engkizar, E., Kaputra, S., Mutathahirin, M., Syafril, S., Arifin, Z., & Kamaluddin, M. (2022). Model Pencegahan Konflik Antarumat Beragama Berbasis Kegiatan Masyarakat. Harmoni, 21(1), 110-129.
Febriani, A., Rosdi, A., Ottilapoyil, S., Mayesta, M., & Zulfikri, Z. (2022). Model of Parents’ and Teachers’ Cooperation in Developing Learners’ Religious Character. International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education, 1(2), 133-147.
Halik, A. (2016). Paradigm of Islamic education in the future: The integration of Islamic boarding school and favorite school. Information Management and Business Review, 8(4), 24–32.
Handayani, T. (2011). Membangun komunikasi efektif untuk meningkatkan kualitas dalam proses belajar mengajar. Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 16(02), 273-302.
Hastasari, C., Setiawan, B., & Aw, S. (2022). Students’ communication patterns of islamic boarding schools: The case of Students in Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Heliyon, 8(1).
Helena, H., Firsya, R. H., & Fitriani, F. (2020). Parenting Patterns in Shaping Children’s Islamic Character. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA), 3(4), 159–167.
Hsb, S. P., & Mantondang, M. A. (2024). Analisis Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal Guru dengan Siswa dalam Membentuk Kemandirian Siswa Tunagrahita di Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB C Karya Tulus). Jurnal Indonesia: Manajemen Informatika dan Komunikasi, 5(2), 1879-1892.
Istiqomalia, Y. (2024). Komunikasi Dakwah dengan Pertimbangan Sosiologis. Bil Hikmah: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, 2(1), 81-104.
Judrah, M., Arjum, A., Haeruddin, H., & Mustabsyirah, M. (2024). Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Membangun Karakter Peserta Didik Upaya Penguatan Moral. Journal of Instructional and Development Researches, 4(1), 25-37.
Liu, F., Wen, Y., Zhang, D., Jiang, X., Xing, X., & Meng, D. (2019). Log2vec: A heterogeneous graph embedding based approach for detecting cyber threats within enterprise. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 1777–1794.
Lubis, M. S. I., & Octavia, D. (2017). Peran Komunikasi Antarpribadi Guru dan Siswa dalam Mencegah Kenakalan Remaja di Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli. Warta Dharmawangsa, (53).
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Manurung, N., & Rahmi, S. (2022). Pengaruh Konseling Multikultural Dalam Meningkatkan Komunikasi Interpersonal Mahasiswa Jurusan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Fkip Universitas Borneo Tarakan. Jurnal Mahasiswa BK An-Nur: Berbeda, Bermakna, Mulia, 8(1), 74-78.
Marshall, J. H., Nicolai, M., & da Silva, R. (2020). Out-of-school children in Guinea-Bissau: A mixed-methods analysis. International Journal of Educational Development, 77, 102223.
Martell, C. C. (2017). Approaches to teaching race in elementary social studies: A case study of preservice teachers. Journal of Social Studies Research, 41(1), 75–87.
Mutathahirin, M., Muliati, I., Hasnah, H., & Oktavia, G. (2022). Ten Students' Motivation in Memorizing Quran: A Case Study at Rumah Quran in Padang Indonesia. International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education, 1(1), 1-13.
Palunga, R., & Marzuki, M. (2017). Peran guru dalam pengembangan karakter peserta didik di sekolah menengah pertama negeri 2 depok sleman. Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter, 8(1).
Pimay, A., & Savitri, F. M. (2021). Dinamika dakwah Islam di era modern. Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah, 41(1), 43-55.
Ramadan, W. R., & Aesthetika, N. M. (2022). Formation of Self-Concept through Interpersonal Communication of Ustadz and Santri at Islamic Boarding Schools in Sidoarjo Regency. Indonesian Journal of Islamic Studies, 10, 10-21070.
Rambe, S. D., Manurung, P., & Syarqawi, A. (2022). Faktor Pendukung Dalam Mengembangkan Keterampilan Komunikasi Siswa Di Smp It Bunayya Padangsidimpuan. Al-Mursyid: Jurnal Ikatan Alumni Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam (IKABKI), 4(1).
Ringland, K. E., Wolf, C. T., Faucett, H., Dombrowski, L., & Hayes, G. R. (2016). Will I always be not social?" Re-Conceptualizing Sociality in the Context of a Minecraft Community for Autism. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
Ruesch, J., Bateson, G., Pinsker, E. C., & Combs, G. (2017). Communication: The social matrix of psychiatry. Routledge.
Rusdayanti, I. G. A. D., & Suranata, K. (2023). Pelatihan keterampilan komunikasi interpersonal untuk pengembangan bakat verbal anak cerdas dan berbakat. Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 9(1), 573-581.
Rustan, A. S. (2015). Menjalin Hubungan (Relation) dalam Perspektif Komunikasi.
Sari, S. (2018). Komunikasi Interpersonal Guru dalam Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Siswa pada Bimbingan Belajar Onma di Kota Bengkulu. Professional
Sibaweh, I., & Hanan, A. (2022). Metode Komunikasi Interpersonal: Studi Kasus Pembinaan Akhlak Di Pondok Pesantren As-Syuhada Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon. LANTERA: Jurnal Komunikasi Dan Penyiaran Islam, 1(1), 51-62.
Sidiq, U. (2019). Prophetic leadership in the development of religious culture in modern islamic boarding schools. Istawa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 4(1), 80–97.
Sivakumar, P. S. (2020). Content Analysis, Thematic Analysis and Hands-on session with NVIVO. Advances in Research Methodology for Social Sciences, 57.
Sondakh, M., Kawengian, D. D., & Onsu, R. R. (2023). Interpersonal Communication Strategies between Parents and Children Under the Age of 12 Years in Preventing Online Game Addiction in Manado City. Journal La Edusci, 4(6), 477–487.
Sultanik, D., Japeri, J., Taufan, M., & Efendi, E. (2022). Implementing Character Values to Learners in Didikan Subuh Program. International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education, 1(1), 68-79.
Tata, J., & Prasad, S. (2015). CSR communication: An impression management perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 132, 765–778.
Uhbiyati, N. (2015). A competency-based model of the human resource development management of ustadz at salaf boarding school. International Journal of Educational Management, 29(5).
Alfarikh, R. F., Saleh, F. A., Hartati, S., Susilo, M., Puspita, E., Hartini, Y., & Ramadhani, H. (2021). Implementation Religious Character Values for Students Through School Extracurricular Programs. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA), 4(3), 111-123.
Amala, A. K., & Kaltsum, H. U. (2021). Peran Guru sebagai Pelaksana Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Menanamkan Kedisiplinan Bagi Peserta Didik di Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal basicedu, 5(6), 5213-5220.
Arkorful, V., & Abaidoo, N. (2015). The role of e-learning, advantages and disadvantages of its adoption in higher education. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 12(1).
Bartlett, L., & Vavrus, F. (2016). Rethinking case study research: A comparative approach. Routledge.
Bassani-Sternberg, M., Bräunlein, E., Klar, R., Engleitner, T., Sinitcyn, P., Audehm, S., & Krackhardt, A. M. (2016). Direct identification of clinically relevant neoepitopes presented on native human melanoma tissue by mass spectrometry. Nature Communications, 7(1).
Delviany, V., Risnawati, R., Rizqa, M., Sabrina, R., & Satrial, A. (2024). The Relationship between Disciplinary Behavior and Religious Habits on the Religious Character of Students in High School. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA), 7(1), 44-55.
Dimbleby, R., & Burton, G. (2020). More than words: An introduction to communication.
Engerer, C., Berberat, P. O., Dinkel, A., Rudolph, B., Sattel, H., & Wuensch, A. (2019). Specific feedback makes medical students better communicators. BMC Medical Education, 19, 1–8.
Engkizar, E., Alfurqan, A., Murniyetti, M., & Muliati, I. (2018). Behavior and Factors Causing Plagiarism Among Undergraduate Students in Accomplishing the Coursework on Religion Education Subject. Khalifa: Journal of Islamic Education, 1(1), 98–112.
Engkizar, E., Kaputra, S., Mutathahirin, M., Syafril, S., Arifin, Z., & Kamaluddin, M. (2022). Model Pencegahan Konflik Antarumat Beragama Berbasis Kegiatan Masyarakat. Harmoni, 21(1), 110-129.
Febriani, A., Rosdi, A., Ottilapoyil, S., Mayesta, M., & Zulfikri, Z. (2022). Model of Parents’ and Teachers’ Cooperation in Developing Learners’ Religious Character. International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education, 1(2), 133-147.
Halik, A. (2016). Paradigm of Islamic education in the future: The integration of Islamic boarding school and favorite school. Information Management and Business Review, 8(4), 24–32.
Handayani, T. (2011). Membangun komunikasi efektif untuk meningkatkan kualitas dalam proses belajar mengajar. Ta'dib: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 16(02), 273-302.
Hastasari, C., Setiawan, B., & Aw, S. (2022). Students’ communication patterns of islamic boarding schools: The case of Students in Muallimin Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Heliyon, 8(1).
Helena, H., Firsya, R. H., & Fitriani, F. (2020). Parenting Patterns in Shaping Children’s Islamic Character. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research of Higher Education (IJMURHICA), 3(4), 159–167.
Hsb, S. P., & Mantondang, M. A. (2024). Analisis Pola Komunikasi Interpersonal Guru dengan Siswa dalam Membentuk Kemandirian Siswa Tunagrahita di Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB C Karya Tulus). Jurnal Indonesia: Manajemen Informatika dan Komunikasi, 5(2), 1879-1892.
Istiqomalia, Y. (2024). Komunikasi Dakwah dengan Pertimbangan Sosiologis. Bil Hikmah: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam, 2(1), 81-104.
Judrah, M., Arjum, A., Haeruddin, H., & Mustabsyirah, M. (2024). Peran Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Membangun Karakter Peserta Didik Upaya Penguatan Moral. Journal of Instructional and Development Researches, 4(1), 25-37.
Liu, F., Wen, Y., Zhang, D., Jiang, X., Xing, X., & Meng, D. (2019). Log2vec: A heterogeneous graph embedding based approach for detecting cyber threats within enterprise. Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 1777–1794.
Lubis, M. S. I., & Octavia, D. (2017). Peran Komunikasi Antarpribadi Guru dan Siswa dalam Mencegah Kenakalan Remaja di Siswa SMA Negeri 1 Labuhan Deli. Warta Dharmawangsa, (53).
Mahadi, U. (2021). Komunikasi pendidikan (urgensi komunikasi efektif dalam proses pembelajaran). JOPPAS: Journal of Public Policy and Administration Silampari, 2(2), 80-90.
Manurung, N., & Rahmi, S. (2022). Pengaruh Konseling Multikultural Dalam Meningkatkan Komunikasi Interpersonal Mahasiswa Jurusan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Fkip Universitas Borneo Tarakan. Jurnal Mahasiswa BK An-Nur: Berbeda, Bermakna, Mulia, 8(1), 74-78.
Marshall, J. H., Nicolai, M., & da Silva, R. (2020). Out-of-school children in Guinea-Bissau: A mixed-methods analysis. International Journal of Educational Development, 77, 102223.
Martell, C. C. (2017). Approaches to teaching race in elementary social studies: A case study of preservice teachers. Journal of Social Studies Research, 41(1), 75–87.
Mutathahirin, M., Muliati, I., Hasnah, H., & Oktavia, G. (2022). Ten Students' Motivation in Memorizing Quran: A Case Study at Rumah Quran in Padang Indonesia. International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education, 1(1), 1-13.
Palunga, R., & Marzuki, M. (2017). Peran guru dalam pengembangan karakter peserta didik di sekolah menengah pertama negeri 2 depok sleman. Jurnal Pendidikan Karakter, 8(1).
Pimay, A., & Savitri, F. M. (2021). Dinamika dakwah Islam di era modern. Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah, 41(1), 43-55.
Ramadan, W. R., & Aesthetika, N. M. (2022). Formation of Self-Concept through Interpersonal Communication of Ustadz and Santri at Islamic Boarding Schools in Sidoarjo Regency. Indonesian Journal of Islamic Studies, 10, 10-21070.
Rambe, S. D., Manurung, P., & Syarqawi, A. (2022). Faktor Pendukung Dalam Mengembangkan Keterampilan Komunikasi Siswa Di Smp It Bunayya Padangsidimpuan. Al-Mursyid: Jurnal Ikatan Alumni Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam (IKABKI), 4(1).
Ringland, K. E., Wolf, C. T., Faucett, H., Dombrowski, L., & Hayes, G. R. (2016). Will I always be not social?" Re-Conceptualizing Sociality in the Context of a Minecraft Community for Autism. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
Ruesch, J., Bateson, G., Pinsker, E. C., & Combs, G. (2017). Communication: The social matrix of psychiatry. Routledge.
Rusdayanti, I. G. A. D., & Suranata, K. (2023). Pelatihan keterampilan komunikasi interpersonal untuk pengembangan bakat verbal anak cerdas dan berbakat. Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia, 9(1), 573-581.
Rustan, A. S. (2015). Menjalin Hubungan (Relation) dalam Perspektif Komunikasi.
Sari, S. (2018). Komunikasi Interpersonal Guru dalam Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Siswa pada Bimbingan Belajar Onma di Kota Bengkulu. Professional
Sibaweh, I., & Hanan, A. (2022). Metode Komunikasi Interpersonal: Studi Kasus Pembinaan Akhlak Di Pondok Pesantren As-Syuhada Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon. LANTERA: Jurnal Komunikasi Dan Penyiaran Islam, 1(1), 51-62.
Sidiq, U. (2019). Prophetic leadership in the development of religious culture in modern islamic boarding schools. Istawa: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 4(1), 80–97.
Sivakumar, P. S. (2020). Content Analysis, Thematic Analysis and Hands-on session with NVIVO. Advances in Research Methodology for Social Sciences, 57.
Sondakh, M., Kawengian, D. D., & Onsu, R. R. (2023). Interpersonal Communication Strategies between Parents and Children Under the Age of 12 Years in Preventing Online Game Addiction in Manado City. Journal La Edusci, 4(6), 477–487.
Sultanik, D., Japeri, J., Taufan, M., & Efendi, E. (2022). Implementing Character Values to Learners in Didikan Subuh Program. International Journal of Islamic Studies Higher Education, 1(1), 68-79.
Tata, J., & Prasad, S. (2015). CSR communication: An impression management perspective. Journal of Business Ethics, 132, 765–778.
Uhbiyati, N. (2015). A competency-based model of the human resource development management of ustadz at salaf boarding school. International Journal of Educational Management, 29(5).
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