Pasaman2024-08-09T15:34:04+08:00Vebionita Megi Journal Systems<p align="justify">Jurnal Suluah Pasaman Islamic sciences have a humanities and social sciences perspective. This journal also has a program that aims to bridge the gap between textual and contextual approaches in Islamic Studies, and resolving the dichotomy between ‘orthodox’ and ‘heterodox’ Islam. The two are interrelated: textual traditions show that Islam, as well as a range of religious teachings, is a way of dealing with practical challenges in economic and social life. So, this journal invites the intersection of several scientific disciplines and scholars. In other words, the contributors borrow from a variety of disciplines, including the humanities and social sciences. Jurnal Suluah Pasaman Islamic Sciences is published by the Institute for Research and Community Service, STAI YDI Lubuk Sikaping Pasaman West Sumatra Indonesia in collaboration with the International Islamic Studies Development and Research Center (IISDRC). Jurnal Suluah Pasaman Islamic Sciences is published twice in April and October every year.</p> of Auguste Comte's Ideology: Positivism and Implementation of Islamic Education2024-08-06T15:09:15+08:00Yaskur Agil Muzakiyaskuragil06@gmai.comDwi Rizqi Ameliayaskuragil06@gmail.comDebi Sariantoyaskuragil06@gmail.comMahfud Junaediyaskuragil06@gmail.comRifdah Sabrinayaskuragil06@gmail.comMerri<p>This study aims to analyze Auguste Comte's thinking about positivisme and how this thinking can be implemented in an Islamic context. This research uses the qualitative method with content analysis approach, all data taken from various sources which are derived from books, theories and expert opinion. All data that has been collected are analyzed thematically, in other words the themes that have been obtained are described comprehensively and deeply. The results of the analysis from this study reveal several important aspects of the biography of Auguste Comte. Auguste Comte was a French philosopher who lived in the 19th century. Auguste Comte's positivist philosophical thinking includes three stages of development of human science: the theological stage, metaphysical stage, and positive stage. Contribution of Auguste Comte's positivist thought to Islam. Even though Comte's thought explicitly rejected religion and metaphysics, there are elements of positivism that can be applied in the Islamic context.</p>2023-10-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 Yaskur Agil Muzaki, Dwi Rizqi Amelia, Debi Sarianto, Mahfud Junaedi, Rifdah Sabrina, Merri Yelliza Role of Parents in Overcoming Moral Crisis in the Household2024-08-06T15:34:40+08:00Fitriani Indah Firdaus Bin<p>The role of parents in building a good household is very important. In instilling noble morals in children, parents are required to have various strategies so that their children's morals are formed according to what is expected. Parents' strategies for playing a role in dealing with moral crises in children and households cannot be separated from the Quran. This research aims to analyze Luqman's advice to his children based on the content of Surah Luqman verses: 13-19. This research uses a qualitative method with a content analysis approach, all data is taken from various sources originating from the Quran, theories and opinions of Islamic education experts. Then a theme is taken that matches the required data. After the author has collected all the data, the next step is to select the required data according to the problems raised in this article. Based on Luqman's letter, there are nine roles of parents in dealing with a moral crisis in the household, namely providing an example to children, always being ready to be a good listener, spending time together with family, giving clear expectations to children, don't let yourself feel guilty, don't replace love or time with money, don't change caregivers frequently, provide supervision, and provide punishment to educate.</p>2023-10-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 Fitriani Fitriani, Syafrizal Syafrizal, Aftika Aftika, Nurdianna Nurdianna, Berlianda Indah Putri, Rosi Guspita, Muhamad Firdaus Bin Alias Viewed from the Psychology of Religion2024-08-07T16:54:06+08:00Munawir Rahadatul M.<p>Humans have various personalities that are different from each other. However, Allah SWT has gifted every human being with the same nature, where nature is in the form of spirit, body, and <em>nafs</em>. In the Islamic view, nature tends towards morals, but a person's habits, circumstances, and environment will later influence the formation of his personality. This research aims to explain the concept of personality from the perspective of religious psychology. This research uses a qualitative method with a content analysis approach, all data is taken from various sources originating from psychology books, religious psychology books, theories, and expert opinions. All data that has been collected is then analyzed thematically, in other words, the themes that have been obtained are described comprehensively and in-depth. To make it more interesting, all themes from the results of this research will be discussed with the results of studies by previous researchers and current psychological issues. This research found that personality psychology and religion are related to each other. Religious psychology plays a role in providing in-depth insight into religious values that influence personality. The implications of this research are to provide reading material that helps readers understand it.</p>2023-10-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 Munawir K, Rezi Maswar, Rasela Rasela, Nabila Rahadatul Aisyi, Nesria Adila, Rizki M. Ramdhan of Nafs in the Alquran2024-08-08T23:29:54+08:00Lelti Saputri<p>Psychology is a science that studies human experiences, such as feelings, five senses, thoughts, and will. Islamic psychology studies convey problems regarding human psychology, inner intricacies, and <em>ruhual</em> solutions that refer to Islamic normative law. The Quran commentary on human physique includes <em>insane, ins, nas,</em> or <em>some basyar</em>, and <em>sons of Adam </em>or <em>Adam's descendants.</em> Meanwhile, mental or psychological studies are broader, starting from<em> nafs, ar-ruh, al-qalb</em>, and <em>al-'aql</em>. This research aims to explain the concept <em>nafs</em> or human <em>qalb</em>, ruh, <em>al-qalb, 'aql, </em>and its relationship in the Alquran. This research uses a qualitative method with a content analysis approach, all data is taken from various sources originating from psychology books, religious psychology books, the Alquran, theories, and expert opinions. All data that has been collected is then analyzed thematically, in other words, the themes that have been obtained are described comprehensively and in-depth. To make it more interesting, all themes from the results of this research will be discussed with the results of studies by previous researchers and <em>qalb</em> issues in the Alquran. This research gets results that concepts and relationships <em>nafs</em> (<em>qalb</em>) with ruh,<em> qalb, </em>and <em>aql </em> in the structure of human personality which becomes the <em>ruhual</em> substance in human formation. Nafs is an element formed from the entry of the <em>qalb</em> into the human body. Because it has elements of the hereafter and the worldly, then the <em>qalb</em> tends to do good and bad by using the <em>aql</em>. Therefore, man must guide his <em>qalb</em> with a clear <em>qalb</em>. The implications of this research are to provide reading material that helps readers understand it.</p>2023-10-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2023 Lelti Saputri Yani, Nesria Adila, Fifi Sadriana, Muhammad Taufan Communication in the Character Building of Students in Islamic Boarding Schools2024-08-09T15:34:04+08:00Dafrizal Dafrizaldafrizaldaf78@gmail.comRohanis Rohanisdafrizaldaf78@gmail.comRanti Dwi Alfrianidafrizaldaf78@gmail.comTsamrotul Faizahdafrizaldaf78@gmail.comIsmar<p>Islamic boarding schools are Islamic institutions that help and develop students from a religious perspective which includes character formation. One of the success factors in forming the character of students in Islamic boarding schools is the role of a teacher. A teacher must be able to communicate well with students by prioritizing student discipline and politeness. One of the communications carried out in developing students is interpersonal communication. This research aims to find out how teachers' interpersonal communication approaches and strategies shape the character of Islamic boarding school students in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study type. Data sources were taken from ten informants through direct interviews using a set of interview protocols. The informants consisted of teachers at Islamic boarding schools and students. All interview data obtained was analyzed thematically using the Milles & Hubberman Interactive Analysis Model technique. Research findings found three identification approaches and two interpersonal communication strategies used by teachers in forming students' characters. The three identification approaches are the cultural approach, the sociological approach, and the psychological approach. The two strategies used by the teacher are punishment and catalyst strategies. This research has revealed teachers' interpersonal communication approaches and strategies in shaping the character of Islamic boarding school students in Indonesia. Apart from that, the results of this research can be used as a reference for anyone who wants to manage an educational institution in the form of an Islamic boarding school.</p>2023-10-28T00:00:00+08:00Copyright (c) 2024 Dafrizal Dafrizal, Rohanis Rohanis, Ranti Dwi Alfriani, Tsamrotul Faizah, Ismar Yanderi